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Sieraden maken met metaaldraad en knijpkralen
Sieraden maken met metaaldraad en knijpkralen

The great thing about making jewelry with metal wire and crimp beads is that so many different designs are possible. You can choose from different colors of thread and beads, so you can vary endlessly. Moreover, you can make it as complicated as you want, for example by combining different types of beads and using more crimp beads to secure the wire.

In this video we show you how to make jewelry yourself with metal wire and crimp beads.

The supplies needed for making jewelry with metal wire and crimp beads are:

  • Flat nose pliers
  • Cutting pliers
  • Metal wire
  • Crimp beads
  • Lock
  • Beads

Step 1: Cut the metal wire generously: the length of your jewelry + 10cm. Thread two crimp beads and the ring onto the wire.

Step 2: Thread the wire with a loop back through the 2 crimp beads close to the clasp, forming a small loop.

Step 3: Using flat nose pliers, squeeze the crimp beads next to each other.

Step 4: Thread the jewelry.

Step 5: To tie off, repeat the steps from the beginning: thread two crimp beads and the lock onto the wire.

Step 6: Loop the wire back through the two crimp beads and the last few beads.

Step 7: Tighten the thread, pay attention to the tension of the metal thread, do not thread too tightly.

Step 7: Crimp the crimp beads flat and cut the wire.

Step 8: If necessary, hang a charm with a bending ring over the two crimp beads.